Montessori Floor bed

The Montessori Floor Bed: The Comprehensive Guide

What Is The Montessori Method?

The Montessori education and childcare method focuses on the child’s needs.

It engages children as appropriate, and in so doing, it can transcend the relationship between educator and child.

It is based on a philosophy of the natural development of children rather than teaching life skills or progressing toward some predetermined goal.

Teachers are discouraged from telling children what to do, but instead, the focus is on providing a “withness.”

Maria Montessori developed it in the early 1900s based on her observations of children at play, her training as a medical doctor, but also her experience working with poor children in an underfunded school in Rome.

The Montessori method is basically an educational philosophy that uses materials and activities to support children in developing their understanding, rather than only following a teacher’s instruction.

It also focuses on the individual child and his or her needs rather than a group of children.The Montessori Method stresses a set of concepts and teaching practices that emphasize independence, freedom from rules for children (within parameters), and respect for the child’s development. 

What is a Montessori floor bed?

The concept of a Montessori floor bed is almost all in the name: a floor bed is truly a bed placed as close as possible to the floor or low enough to the ground so that a young child can safely climb in and out of it on their own.

This can be as simple as a crib mattress placed directly on the floor (for children under the age of 2, a firm crib mattress should be used) or a mattress in a bed frame designed explicitly as a Montessori floor bed.

How you choose to set up the floor bed and which option is best depends on the space you are setting it up in and the age of your child when first beginning to use it. 

What is the philosophy behind the Montessori Floor Bed?

The Montessori philosophy is all about giving children the freedom to explore and learn at their own pace.

There is no better way to do that than with a floor bed. A bed that allows kids to move around and explore as they please, without having to worry about getting out of bed or climbing up on anything. 

It also respects the child, which Montessori believes in wholeheartedly.

From what age should you use a Montessori Bed?

Adopting a Montessori bed is not a set age as it depends on the child’s development.

The Montessori philosophy behind the bed is that it teaches your child how to self-soothe and develops their motor skills, which are essential for later development.

Many parents choose to introduce a Montessori bed when their child starts showing an interest in getting out of bed or climbing up and down the furniture.

The Montessori bed is designed to give children more independence. A child can learn how to get a drink, dress themselves, and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night with no assistance from their parents as they grow up with the bed. 

What are the main benefits of a Montessori bed?

What are the main benefits of a Montessori bed?

A Montessori bed is an excellent option for toddlers transitioning out of their cribs into a “big kid” bed.

They offer several benefits, including: 

a. Development of children’s autonomy

Children need help in all areas of their lives, which is one of the most significant obstacles to the development of autonomy in children.

Because traditional beds and cots are challenging to access, little ones cannot climb in and out of them freely and, as a result, rely on their parents for basic activities such as sleeping and getting up in the morning.

Montessori mini beds help children learn how to make simple decisions independently and get around situations. A child can rest, get up, and play when they want since the furniture is scaled to their size and the bed is close to the ground.

As a matter of fact, the Montessori bed promotes several factors that are critical for a child’s well-being in the short term, such as autonomy and decision-making.

Creating independent, creative, and self-confident children is even more critical in the long run since a mother wants to instill these qualities in her child. 

b. A higher level of safety

By reducing the height of the Montessori bed, one can increase the level of safety.

The fact that this piece of furniture can be used immediately will help ease the concerns of moms worried that their baby will likely roll off the bed and get injured. In addition to their low height, some Montessori beds allow for the acquisition of protective railings, making them even safer!A grid can be mounted on the furniture easily if the child is still rolling or if you want to provide more of a protective barrier.

Our purpose when we talk about children’s safety is to not only make sure that the little ones are physically safe, but we also want to make sure they have the emotional feeling that they are safe and comfortable when they are alone in their rooms, which is absolutely essential for them to feel comfortable. 

3. Increased functionality of the room

In addition to their independence, Montessori beds also provide another benefit to children: an increase in the functionality of their rooms due to their independence. If the furniture is not adapted to your child’s size, the world may seem inaccessible to them.

Still, if the furniture in your room is adapted to fit their size, they might be able to find many ways to use, play, and enjoy the space in many other ways.It should be noted that increasing the number of possibilities and the flow of people within a room can be very advantageous in both children’s and adult bedrooms. 

Montessori Floor Bed - Loppoticha

Rolling Off the Mattress

Your child’s mattress shouldn’t be too thick, so they will only drop a few inches if they roll-off.

You can put an area rug or blanket next to the mattress to protect your child from hitting their head on a rough floor. Carpeting will provide enough protection from rolling off the bed. 

Sleep safety under 1 year old.

  • The AAP suggests that babies under 1 year old should sleep on a crib mattress rather than an adult mattress.
  • Crib mattresses are designed to be firmer so that infants’ bodies don’t sink down into the mattress as they sleep.
  • This allows infants to breathe fresher air with a lower chance of rebreathing, which decreases the risk of SIDS.

Do Montessori Floor Beds Really Work?

Some Children Benefit From Montessori Floor Beds… But Not All Of Them

When considering getting a Montessori floor bed for your child, there are many things to weigh.

Whether or not it will work well for them depends on a few factors.

For one, the child’s sleep history is critical to take into account. If they’ve always been a good sleeper and have never had any problems staying in bed, they may do well with a floor bed from an early age.

On the other hand, if they’ve always needed some kind of boundary around their bed to stay in it, they may not be as comfortable without physical limitations around them while sleeping.

Another thing to think about is the child’s temperament. Some kids are naturally cooperative and will be happy to curl up on the floor and sleep. Other children may need more encouragement and you to be there with them until they fall asleep.

Some families choose to start using a floor bed after their child has stopped using a crib, while others go with the more traditional route and start with an infant in a floor bed.

Keep in mind that there will be a learning curve when making the switch from a crib to a floor bed.

You may find that maintaining the same sleep environment and routine can help ease into the change. A Montessori floor bed is an excellent way to begin establishing healthy sleep habits for your little one!

If you would like to know more about Montessori furniture, go to our blog post “Essential Montessori Furniture pieces for your Home

How do I set up my child’s room and bed?

When setting up your child’s room and bed, there are a few things to consider:

– The first is your child’s age—each stage of development requires different set-ups and furniture.
– The second is the space in your home. You want to ensure that you have enough space for your child to move around and play in their room.

If you’re using a floor bed, it helps to get down at the floor bed level and see what your baby will be seeing from their view.

It’s also essential to secure all furniture to the walls and hide all electrical cords even before your child is mobile. 

How do I get my baby or toddler to stay in bed? Won’t they roll out?

In the beginning, babies and toddlers may roll out of their floor beds once or twice before they learn how to get out of them.

That is precisely why you should place the bed on a soft carpet or close to the floor to help prevent injury.

There are a few things you can do to help your baby or toddler stay in bed.

One is to make sure the bed is on a plush carpet or close to the ground, so they won’t be able to roll out. If they continue to roll out, you can try placing a pool noodle under the sheet around the edges of the bed.

You can also keep a close eye on them and put them back in bed if they get up. In the end, they will finish by feeling more comfortable in their space and learning how to sleep well in their bed. 

How does a Montessori bed support learning

Montessori’s approach to education is built on the philosophy that children learn best through freedom of movement, respect, and choices.

This approach encourages us to provide many opportunities for children — even babies!– to experience these things, all of which contribute to the learning process.

The Montessori floor bed promotes a sense of independence and autonomy in children by giving them the responsibility for their own sleeping environment.

In addition, it encourages a love of learning by providing a comfortable and stimulating environment for children to explore and play in before going to sleep. 

A toddler floor bed allows freedom of movement.

A toddler floor bed is perfect for toddlers ready to give up their cribs but not yet ready for a regular bed.

These beds allow freedom of movement and promote independence. They also help children learn how to get up and down on their own, which is an essential skill for later life.

Additionally, the Montessori toddler floor bed helps children develop self-regulation and concentration skills. 

A floor bed encourages decision-making.

Montessori floor beds provide babies with choices from the moment they wake up. They can sit on the edge of the bed and choose whether to get up or stay in bed a little longer.This helps them grow their sense of independence and strengthens their budding concentration skills.

Floor beds also give your baby developmentally appropriate choices, such as what toys to play with or clothes to wear. This allows your baby to explore different options and consolidate their decision-making skills in the security of their own bedroom. 

Buying a Montessori Floor Bed: What to Consider?

When purchasing a Montessori floor bed for your toddler, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.

The most important factors are the safety and comfort of your child. So make sure to choose a bed that is low enough to the ground and has plenty of space around it for air circulation.

You’ll also want to avoid beds with extra features or designs that could be dangerous. Opt for a simple model made from 100% natural wood instead of plywood or other materials.

Finally, consider the mattress’s height and any chemicals used when fabricating the bed—both can affect your child’s health. 

Floor Bed Bedtime Routine

A bedtime routine can help make the transition to a floor bed easier. A consistent routine helps children know what to expect and makes them more comfortable.

Some families have a bath, put on pajamas, turn on a sound machine, and give a bottle or breastfeed before putting their child to bed.

It is crucial to put the baby down in their bed when they are sleepy but still awake. This will really help them learn how to self-soothe and fall asleep independently.

If the baby wakes up crying during the night, observe and respond as necessary. 

Are floor beds cold?

One worry parents might have when considering a floor bed for their toddler is whether or not the bed will be too cold.After all, the child will be sleeping on the floor!

Another option is to purchase a heated mattress pad for your child’s floor bed. This will help keep them warm and comfortable all night long.

Just be careful not to use an electric blanket, which could present a fire hazard.

Floor beds don’t have to be uncomfortable or cold! There are many ways to make them more comfortable, warm, and safe for your little one. 

Is it safe for a toddler to sleep on a mattress on the floor?

There is a lot of debate on the internet about whether or not it is safe for toddlers to sleep on mattresses on the floor.

Some say it is perfectly safe, while others warn that it could lead to health problems. So, what’s the truth?

Well, according to experts, it is perfectly safe for a toddler to sleep on a mattress on the floor. This sleeping arrangement has some benefits, including improved sleep quality and a reduced risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to allow a toddler to sleep on a mattress on the floor is up to the parents.

This decision should be based on their individual child’s needs and preferences. If you are considering this option, do the research and talk with your pediatrician before making a final decision. 

How do I choose the right Montessori floor bed for my child?

When choosing a Montessori floor bed for your child, there are a few things to consider.

One is whether or not the floor bed is appropriate for your child’s current sleep habits.

For example, suppose your child has transitioned from crib to toddler floor bed sleeping. In that case, it may be more challenging to make the transition than if they are starting with naps.

You also must ensure that the floor bed follows safe sleep recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Another thing to remember when choosing a Montessori floor bed is how well it will fit into your family’s sleep routine. Often, when a child transitions from crib to floor bed sleeping, there is a learning curve as they figure out how to get themselves back to sleep independently.

Starting with naps can be easier than going straight to full-time floor bed sleeping. A healthy sleep routine is crucial for children and helps them feel secure and confident during the day.

If you’re concerned about your child’s sensory processing problems or their ability to focus during the day, then a Montessori floor bed may be a viable option.

Many children who struggle with sensory processing find that having their own space to sleep in helps them to relax and focus during the day. 

How can I transition my child from a crib to a Montessori floor bed?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the transition from crib to floor bed will vary on your child’s age and individual needs.

However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends following their safe sleep recommendations when transitioning to a floor bed.

Some Montessori families start using floor beds at birth, while others wait until the crib is no longer working for them. A Montessori floor bed can be a significant change, so ease in by starting with naps. In some cases, transitioning to a floor bed can help with waking and sleeping issues.

A healthy sleep routine is the first step in transitioning a child from a crib to a Montessori floor bed. Begin with the purchase of an appropriate mattress and foundation (it’s worth it).

Make sure your child feels comfortable in this new setting before the complete transition. Be patient and allow plenty of time for adjustment. Remember that it may take several weeks or even months for your little one to feel completely at home on his or her new bed! 

Keep Your Child In Bed

In some cases, parents are concerned that following a Montessori approach to sleep may cause problems for their children. Especially since they can get out of bed anytime during the night.

In many cases, this is what can happen to a child. Still, luckily it can be prevented by having a solid bedtime routine in place.

It goes without saying that a floor bed is intended to give kids freedom within limits, which is one of the tenets of the Montessori method. To put it another way, a Montessori nursery does not imply that you have to be a permissive parent.

You first need a routine for napping and going to bed. Don’t go over 20 minutes, and keep it simple. Examples are putting on pajamas, nursing or feeding a bottle, singing, and reading a story before bed. Your child does not need to stay in bed when using a floor bed, but you can insist that they remain in the room.

Make sure to only provide a few soft, quiet toys so that even if your little one isn’t ready to sleep, they will still be able to relax.

As part of a Montessori nursery, you also want to set the mood for sleep by maintaining the room dark and using white noise to create an atmosphere conducive to sleep. 


Montessori floor beds are perfect for teaching your child freedom of movement, independence and decision-making!

It does all that while supporting learning in its most pure state.

However, should you decide to use one, please ensure that all safety measures are respected. 

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