Montessori Learning Tower

The Montessori Learning Tower: The Ultimate Guide To Buying A Learning Tower

1. What is the Montessori Learning Tower ( or Observation Tower)?

The Montessori Learning Tower is an excellent tool for helping children learn and explore their environment.

It can be used in many ways, depending on the child’s age and interests. The Montessori learning tower is (usually) designed to grow with the child.

As they get older and taller, they can continue to use it to explore their surroundings while the height of the platform can (and should!!) be adjusted to fit the child’s needs.

The Montessori Observation Tower is an excellent way for children to learn about their environment. They can climb up and down, explore different house areas, and interact with their family and friends.

Basically, it is a piece of furniture that lets your kid stand higher so that they may securely reach a kitchen counter or sink or climb to view what is happening at the dining table. 

2. What Is the Main Benefit of the Learning Tower vs. a Regular Stool?


The Learning Tower is SAFER!
Practically speaking, a good observation tower should have all four sides covered, which means your child can be in it without any risk of falling.

Of course, it is not the case for the stool, as it has all the sides open, which is a significant risk to our little ones.

In that case, the most significant benefit of the learning tower over a regular stool is the safety the former brings to the table.

The Learning Tower is simply the safer option for the younger kids when it comes down to it. 

3. So, why would you need one?

1. Spend more QUALITY TIME with your little one.

Toddlers are fascinated by what we do around the home, and if they see you peeling a potato, they’ll rush over and join you.

You still need to cook supper, but having an 18-month-old infant in your arms makes it difficult.

Spending time together in the kitchen is a terrific way to build relationships. 

It’s safe for your child to wash vegetables and cut bananas or spread the ingredients on a homemade pizza while they’re in the tower, so don’t be afraid to ask for their help; they will love it!

These are moments that will build up your relationship and that they will appreciate and remember most. 

2. Because your toddler needs INDEPENDENCE.

According to those who follow the method of Montessori learning, a learning tower is highly suggested since it aids the child’s natural instinct to work on their own.

That’s why most towers are built for children to climb up and down the Montessori Learning Tower without assistance, making good use of the one or two steps that make climbing secure.. 

Additionally, perhaps most importantly, your toddler will benefit from their own time while still just a few feet away from you.

Utilizing the Montessori learning tower allows your child the opportunity to play with personal hygiene items, food, and toys in their own time, with no “be careful” interruptions from parents.

Being able to discover that they are able to do these tasks on their own, increases their confidence as well as their self-confidence while developing large and small motor skills. 

3. It provides an opportunity for exposure to a variety of NEW FOODS.

Having your kid nearby in the learning tower while cooking will have incredible advantages regarding their hunger and readiness to experiment with different things.

The fact that a child is allowed to discover vegetables on their own terms may encourage them to be more receptive to trying them later at mealtime. 

Regular exposure and sensory learning are two of the most effective strategies for increasing unfamiliar food consumption.

Consequently, the more opportunities your toddler has to interact with, touch, and investigate the items you’re using for supper, the greater the likelihood they’ll accept what’s on their plate. 

Transformo Multi-Purpose Learning Tower - Loppoticha

4. What activities with a Learning Tower?

Participate in the action.

Since children like being helpful members of the group, raising them to your level enables them to be a part of the activity and provides them with a greater sense of control over their own area and activities.

Cooking and baking.

The majority of learning towers may be found in the kitchen or dining room. The possibilities for including your children in the kitchen are endless.

Having them securely at your eye level gives you more flexibility to work with them at your side while they are watching you cook.

Or, even better, why wouldn’t you cook together?

Playing with water in the sink.

As they age, the tower will help them reach a comfortable height for activities such as brushing their teeth, washing their faces, and, very importantly, water splashing in the sink, allowing them to acquire confidence in independently doing these tasks.

Providing assistance with regular duties.

Sorting and folding clothes, washing and putting away dishes, and cleaning windows are all things that need to be done

And it is more fun to be done together while building bridges between generations.

Giving your child art projects at counter height helps keep them interested and learning while you are preparing supper or doing other everyday duties simultaneously.


Learning towers provide children with a panoramic view.
Lifting them to your level may promote a feeling of enthusiasm, independence and confidence.

5. When should I start utilizing a Montessori Learning Tower?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

The best time to start using a Learning Tower will vary depending on the individual child’s age and development.

However, as a general rule, it is best to begin using it when the child is able to stand unsupported and is interested in exploring their surroundings.

The suggested age for most toddler learning towers is 18 months or higher.
Personally, I believe it’s appropriate to introduce a learning tower for 1-year-olds, if not sooner!

Depending on how safe your tower is (closed on all sides) and what addons it has (slide, high chair, table for drawing, easel), you can start using it earlier, around eight months, or whatever age feels correct from the safety point of view. 

6. DIY Learning Tower?

There are various DIY Montessori Learning Tower ideas out there for those who want to create their own, but most parents don’t have the time or resources to do so.

Many online examples inspire those who want to try their hand at a DIY project.
The Ikea Hack is an effective way to build a Learning Tower on a budget.

The cost savings usually make such projects worthwhile for parents.
While these options may not offer all of the features of more expensive towers, they still provide an excellent opportunity for children to explore different activities.

7. What to Pay Attention to When Buying a Learning Tower.

When purchasing a learning tower, there are several criteria you can use as a guide.

The most important factor is safety; ensure the tower meets all safety standards, and the materials are of good quality.

Another primary consideration is the height of a tower.
A tower’s purpose is to provide a platform to stand on while learning. The height of the tower’s platform should be somewhere between your child’s belly button and his ribs, although these standards change depending on the child’s age.
Or even better, buy a three-level learning tower to help your child from 12 months (or even 8) to 6 years!

Make sure that your tower is made of non-toxic materials.
Avoid plastic if possible. The best are wooden learning towers,

The number of stairs is also essential, as the smaller the child is, the more stairs are needed to make the child feel safe and secure.
The steps must be easy to climb, with a wide enough step for your child’s feet.

Suppose you would want to move the Montessori learning tower around the house. In that case, it is better to have a wheeled one or to make sure it is not heavy (however, being heavy is directly related to the tower’s stability, so I would not advise you to buy a light one!).

The weight limit: make sure the tower can safely hold your child’s weight.

Choose a tower that focuses on your pain points and values. If you need one that is easy to clean/move around, or having multiple functions is more important, choose accordingly.

Consider whether you want a brightly-colored tower with fun designs or if you would prefer something more subtle.

From the financial point of view, cheaper might be too expensive!
I am a big fan of multi-purpose things and always try to find items that can serve more intents.

Imagine that your tower could have three levels of height and can serve as a desk for two children to draw or play on. Imagine you can feed your junior on a high chair that comes with this learning tower.
That it has a slide to be used on rainy days. Also, that your little one can draw on a backboard and learn to count and write on a whiteboard provided with.
Wouldn’t you pay 2 or 3 times the amount for a “simple” tower?

Wouldn’t it be cheaper to pay more for such a multi-purpose tower, knowing that your family would benefit from having this tower around?

Before making your final decision, take some time to understand your priorities and list them.

This will help narrow your search and make it easier to find the perfect Montessori learning tower for your family! 

8. Why are Montessori Learning Towers So Awesome for Families with Toddlers

There are many reasons why Learning Towers are so fabulous for families with toddlers:  

– They provide a fun and safe place for toddlers to learn and explore.
– They help promote independence and confidence in toddlers and can be used to teach toddlers essential skills such as counting, colors, and letters.
– Toddlers love learning towers because they can “take ownership” of it, and it’s also easily movable.
– This means they can feel independent and have their own space to explore.
– Kids love learning towers because they can climb in and out of the tower themselves, making them feel like they own it! This helps them learn independence and gain more skills.
– Some are large enough that there’s plenty of space for multiple children to play simultaneously.

9. Learning Tower in Small Spaces?

If you’re tight on space, the Ikea stool & table can be used to create a DIY toddler learning tower.

You’ll need to ensure that it’s sturdy enough to hold your child’s weight. Essential factors in deciding what type of toddler learning tower to purchase are how large it is and whether the child will use it for long periods.

The Learning Tower is not meant to be a “one place” toy, so keep that in mind when deciding. You will need it in the kitchen and dining room, in the bathroom, or wherever you want to place it around the house. 

10. Do I Want a Foldable Learning Tower?

No, because you don’t want to use it from time to time but to have it permanently around and in use.

However, suppose you do not want to use the Learning Tower daily and have it permanently in your house. In that case, a foldable model will do because of its limited space when not in use.

Before you decide if you want a foldable learning tower for your child, there are a few things to consider.

The most important is how often you plan on using it. If you only plan on using it a few times a year, you may not want to invest in a foldable tower that takes up a lot of storage space. 

11. Conclusion

Montessori learning Towers are virtually life-changing both for you and your kid. It will open up pathways for an independent existence with so many practical skills that you could be shocked by how quickly youngsters learn and grow.

Soon you’ll be making exquisite meals with your tiny kitchen assistant as your sous chef.

It is truly a wonderful thing and you’ll be glad you made this decision for your family (and generations to come). 

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